Press ReleaseNews & Information

May 9,2024

FY2023 Production Volume of Large Marine Engines

MITSUI E&S Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-Ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Takeyuki Takahashi; hereinafter "MITSUI E&S") announces that the Group's total production of large marine engines in FY2023 was 155 units with a cumulative 3.16 million horsepower.

Since forming a technical partnership with Danish company B&W (now MAN Energy Solutions) in 1926, MITSUI E&S has established a production track record as one of the world's top manufacturers.

Mitsui E&S DU Co., Ltd., which was established as a MITSUI E&S Group company in April 2023, has been manufacturing large marine engines under the DU brand for 75 years since it entered into a technical cooperation agreement with SULZER (now WinGD) in 1948.
The MITSUI E&S Group is a licensee of both MAN Energy Solustions and WinGD, the two major licensors of large marine engines in the world. As a result, it has been able to provide customers with both brands of large marine engines since April 2023.

The MITSUI E&S Group has identified "creating a decarbonized society" as one of the material issues it faces in order to contribute to solving social issues through its business activities. In the field of international shipping, the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of ships is an urgent issue. As a leading company in marine propulsion systems, the MITSUI E&S Group has made steady progress in providing marine propulsion systems that can significantly contribute to the reduction of the GHGs emitted by international shipping by developing ammonia- fuelled engines and peripheral equipment1 and successfully operating large marine engines using hydrogen fuel for the first time in the world.2

The MITSUI E&S Group is also expanding its production facilities to meet this increasing demand for next-generation fuel engines, and it will continue to develop, expand and stably supply products that contribute to customers' GHG emission reductions.

MITSUI E&S Group's production volume and production schedule for large marine engines

FY2023 results 155 units, 3.16 million horsepower
FY2024 plan  146 units, 3.04 million horsepower

1. MITSUI E&S is participating in the Integrated Project for the Development and Social Implementation of Ammonia-Fueled Ships, a Green Innovation Fund project of the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO).

2. Related Press Release (Mar 7, 2024)
World's First Successful Hydrogen Combustion Operation with a Large Marine Engine



Contact details for this Press Release
MITSUI E&S Co., Ltd. PR Sect. Corporate Planning Dept.

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