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FAQsIR Information
- When was the Company established?
- The Company started its operation as a Ship Division of former Mitsui & Co., Ltd. in 1917. In 1937, the Company became independent, and changed its name to Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. in 1942. In April 2018, the company took a new step by reorganizing into a holding company structure and changing the name from the Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Group to the Mitsui E&S Group.
- When was the stock listed on the market?
- The Company was listed on Tokyo and Osaka Stock Exchanges in May 1949.
- When is the financial statement announced?
- We settle the account at the end of March and announce the financial statement at around the end of April to early May every year. The interim financial statement is announced at around the end of October to November. Please see IR Schedule for more detail.
- How can I obtain the most recent settlement accounts information?
- Refer to Financial Reports for the most recent information.
- Who is the transfer agent?
- It is the Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited.
- What is the stock code of the Company?
- It is 7003.
As for recent stock price, click Stock Price (link to REUTERS.com) on the Internet.
- Is there any hospitality program for stockholders?
- There is not.
- Where do I contact for necessary stock-related proceedings?
- Contact Stock Transfer Agency Department, the Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited at phone +81-3-3286-1111 (Main Number)